Tuesday, April 13, 2010

ICE closes toilets

Cologne / Berlin - Good one months after it was derailed by ICE train in Cologne's main railway station, reports to the Federal Railway Authority (EBA), a massive concern about the "durability" of wheel shafts of the high-speed train ICE and calls for vigorous action.
How seriously evaluate the EBA experts the danger arises from two letters from the Authority to the railway management. To relieve pressure on the most polluted in the middle Radwellensätze wagons, the study intervals should be shortened.
In addition, the technician advised to close the toilets in the middle wagons. Since then no "supplies (fresh and waste water)" must be accompanied, could "the burden of the car around 735 kilograms will be reduced".
In a second letter to the Federal Railway Authority advised to switch off the eddy current brake in the middle cars. That was still a "significantly larger effect than the reduction of water masses.
Following the derailment in Cologne not only doubts about the safety of the ICE had been voiced. The Cologne prosecutor opened a criminal investigation.
The railway said, however, full of all operational guidelines still stand außerfrage. The axles of the ICE 3-vehicles have already been run at a total of more than three billion miles behind him, had not been established that in the regular ultrasound examinations cracking.
Also of interest
Review: ICE train derailed at Cologne's main train station!