Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Holy Name of Jesus Church: Pray instead Lingerie

Bonn - For heaven's sake! Lingerie in God's house, disco main altar in front.
As announced, the cathedral town in June 2008 that the name of Jesus must give up the church, there's just the wildest rumors. What would happen to the building if the state of NRW, it weitervermarktet?
Now the solution, which many can breathe a sigh: The Old Catholics draw 2011 in Bonn, the Church in the alley.
Nearly one million euros would have to raise the cathedral community for redevelopment. Too much for the community and the battered archdiocese. And so city dean Wilfried Schumacher announced in land the contract for the Name of Jesus Church.
What now? A new tenant had to her. "Sun King" Frank Asbeck showed interest, the Bonn University Club, but also commercial users were in the six months Gespräch.Ein nail-biter. Over. 2011 want to use the Old Catholics of the magnificent baroque church from 1717 through an endowment to secure the operation of the church.
Developed as a "candy" for future Donors: Who makes money flowing in their lifetimes, could later be buried in the church. For in the vault, there is now the graves of 65 Jesuits there in the 18th Century were buried.
The Alt-leaning Catholics (starting after the 1st Vatican Council in 1870, the infallibility of the Pope, were excommunicated, founded), its own church, the Holy Name of Jesus Church want to make it their spiritual center, to the Episcopal Church. With activities for children, art exhibits, discussion groups, a café project for unemployed youth.
After months of work are completed at the two towers of the church, the country will continue to be renovated by 2011 NRW.