Sunday, March 7, 2010

Silver Arrows shoot back

Budapest - Now there is war between Mercedes and Ferrari. Silver Arrows team boss Ron Dennis (60) accused Ferrari team boss Jean Todt of fraud!
He complains that the Reds have won the opening race in Melbourne with an illegal underbody. And Dennis praised the betrayal of the Ferrari spy Nigel Stepney (48)!
Formula 1 at 40 degrees in Hungary in the Bonfire of the Vanities! The elitist Briton Ron Dennis said he had been requested by his archenemy, Todt and hated by the FIA President Max Mosley ordered the appeal hearing deeply wounded in the honor. That is why Dennis is running amok!
In an urgent letter to Italy's motorsport boss Luigi Macaluso (located in EXPRESS) tells Dennis: "Ferrari ran their cars with this illegal parts in the Grand Prix of Australia, they won.
In the interest of sport, McLaren has decided not to protest against the result, even if is clear that Ferrari had an illegal competitive advantage. "
Dennis even said that without his intervention would have betrayed Ferrari continues: "If Mr Stepney is not the attention of McLaren in this illegal and considered part of the FIA that McLaren, therefore, would have been reason to suppose that Ferrari would have continued with an illegal car. Ferrari took the subfloor back only when this has been classified by the FIA definitely illegal. "
Now it's out! Due V0N Stepney Tip of the Silver Arrow fired designer Mike Coughlan (48) McLaren boss of Ferrari at the FIA to darken. Dennis, the silver-Sneak! A fact that he deliberately concealed the affair of the 780 pages of secret documents stolen Ferrari.
Dennis is now: "I did not think it correct to name the snitch against Ferrari." After the pseudo-acquittal before the FIA World Council and the appeal hearing scheduled for August in which the Silver Arrows could be barred from the World Cup, is Dennis on the offensive. Stepney and praises traitor!
"He has behaved properly with his snitch and in the interest of the sport," said the Briton, who even asks: "It is in the interest of Formula 1 that snitch is encouraged."
 And then Dennis Todt fired another salvo on arch-enemy: "Ferrari has damaged more than a smear campaign, the bucket reputation of McLaren." Todt's answer could inflame the war, Formula-1-further!