Sunday, March 14, 2010

Now Istanbul says coach Daum

Gelsenkirchen, Germany / Istanbul - The vortex around the Schalke-club anthem (EXPRESS reported>): Following the criticism of Muslims is now reported ex-FC coach Christoph Daum to speak.
"If a situation arise in the conversations that are absolutwichtig should that denigrate Muslims feel hurt and attacked, it should not prevent scheiternund be no problem for Schalke certain Textpassagengegebenenfalls change," said the coach of Fenerbahce Istanbulder " world ".
In hundreds of protest emails Muslims in the past few days had taken umbrage at this verse, the decades-old song: "Mohammedwar a prophet who knows nothing of football. But from all this beautiful color he has come up with the blue and white."
Meanwhile, Schalke can beraten.Entscheidend by a scholar of Islam, the dialogue was underlined by the thumb 55 years old, trained derbereits lost three clubs from Istanbul.
"I do not know whether Muhammad is now reviled by those Zeilenmöglicherweise. But it is important that you listen dieandere side and talk to her," said Daum.
Schalke hear the anthem HERE>