Friday, March 26, 2010

"It's a miracle that I'm still alive"

"It's a miracle that I'm still alive. My wife and I are dying at the last moment jumped off the shovel, "said pop star Peter Orloff on Tuesday to EXPRESS.
The Mercedes limousine is located on the roof, zusammengestaucht like a small car to the scrap press. It is hardly conceivable that this could come out alive is a human.
But Graf Orlock (61, "A girl forever") and his wife Linda (have 46) made it. However, with severe consequences. Overath, a resident of singers: "vertebrae, ribs, metacarpal bone and left ankle are broken. In the face I had cuts, abrasions and space. With my wife, it is even worse. "
Sunday afternoon at 15.15 clock on the B 215 at Unterstedt near Bremen. The accident happened only a few kilometers from the town of Rotenburg, where Orloff wanted to celebrate with his famous Black Sea Cossacks Choir the start of the tour. Orloff: "We were on the previous evening at the UNESCO Gala in Cologne. My wife drove, I rested and slept in the passenger seat. Suddenly I was awakened by an insane explosion. "
For yet unknown reasons, the Mercedes crashed into a bridge abutment on the left side of the road and overturned. Peter Orloff: "There was dead silence. I thought it's over. Then the blood flowed from my eyes and I heard a sign of life my wife. Somehow I was able to free myself, luckily two paramedics were there quickly. Even my wife could be salvaged from the wreck. "
The couple came to Orloff Diakoniekrankenhaus to Rotenburg. Although the pop star was seriously injured, he still thought in the accident record to his fans: "I dictated to my secretary a text for the people who were waiting at the concert for me. Of course that was crazy and could only have been the shock, because shortly after I learned how bad it is: I noticed only a few millimeters of a spinal cord injury. "
Immediately, the couple underwent surgery. Peter Orloff: "We still have time under the knife. It will take until we are correct fit. That is so sad, especially for the concert-goers ... "

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Fortuna is record hunting

Dusseldorf - On the evening watching the Fortunen been times to where they want to be even in summer.
By 18 clock we look in the First Division team hotel, "Norbert Meier ordered joint TV to watch."
Thereafter, the Tabellendritte agreed with the Bundesliga and "Beat the Star" with Effenberg to the match on Saturday against Aue (14 clock).
Against the Erzgebirge Fortuna can not only make the next step in the direction of advancement, but also establish a record: five wins in the first six games after the winter break - something did not exist in 15 years. At that time, Dusseldorf even won every second half games. However, in the much weaker Oberliga Nordrhein.
Number of games that do not interest Meier. "The first leg was Aue at eye level, we have won only by a late goal after a default situation," warned the coach before the match against the so far disappointing second league losers. "From the staffing ago Aue had other claims that are better than their table space."
And yet, an opponent who should be hit in the arena, if you want to climb. Especially since the results of the pent-up games this week, Fortuna played powerfully in the cards. "It is certainly not a disadvantage that you have some cushion to the back," says defense chief Jens Langeneke about the good starting position. "But we have fought for through good results and therefore we may now never let up." Thus the dream start is perfectly made ...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Now Istanbul says coach Daum

Gelsenkirchen, Germany / Istanbul - The vortex around the Schalke-club anthem (EXPRESS reported>): Following the criticism of Muslims is now reported ex-FC coach Christoph Daum to speak.
"If a situation arise in the conversations that are absolutwichtig should that denigrate Muslims feel hurt and attacked, it should not prevent scheiternund be no problem for Schalke certain Textpassagengegebenenfalls change," said the coach of Fenerbahce Istanbulder " world ".
In hundreds of protest emails Muslims in the past few days had taken umbrage at this verse, the decades-old song: "Mohammedwar a prophet who knows nothing of football. But from all this beautiful color he has come up with the blue and white."
Meanwhile, Schalke can beraten.Entscheidend by a scholar of Islam, the dialogue was underlined by the thumb 55 years old, trained derbereits lost three clubs from Istanbul.
"I do not know whether Muhammad is now reviled by those Zeilenmöglicherweise. But it is important that you listen dieandere side and talk to her," said Daum.
Schalke hear the anthem HERE>

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Silver Arrows shoot back

Budapest - Now there is war between Mercedes and Ferrari. Silver Arrows team boss Ron Dennis (60) accused Ferrari team boss Jean Todt of fraud!
He complains that the Reds have won the opening race in Melbourne with an illegal underbody. And Dennis praised the betrayal of the Ferrari spy Nigel Stepney (48)!
Formula 1 at 40 degrees in Hungary in the Bonfire of the Vanities! The elitist Briton Ron Dennis said he had been requested by his archenemy, Todt and hated by the FIA President Max Mosley ordered the appeal hearing deeply wounded in the honor. That is why Dennis is running amok!
In an urgent letter to Italy's motorsport boss Luigi Macaluso (located in EXPRESS) tells Dennis: "Ferrari ran their cars with this illegal parts in the Grand Prix of Australia, they won.
In the interest of sport, McLaren has decided not to protest against the result, even if is clear that Ferrari had an illegal competitive advantage. "
Dennis even said that without his intervention would have betrayed Ferrari continues: "If Mr Stepney is not the attention of McLaren in this illegal and considered part of the FIA that McLaren, therefore, would have been reason to suppose that Ferrari would have continued with an illegal car. Ferrari took the subfloor back only when this has been classified by the FIA definitely illegal. "
Now it's out! Due V0N Stepney Tip of the Silver Arrow fired designer Mike Coughlan (48) McLaren boss of Ferrari at the FIA to darken. Dennis, the silver-Sneak! A fact that he deliberately concealed the affair of the 780 pages of secret documents stolen Ferrari.
Dennis is now: "I did not think it correct to name the snitch against Ferrari." After the pseudo-acquittal before the FIA World Council and the appeal hearing scheduled for August in which the Silver Arrows could be barred from the World Cup, is Dennis on the offensive. Stepney and praises traitor!
"He has behaved properly with his snitch and in the interest of the sport," said the Briton, who even asks: "It is in the interest of Formula 1 that snitch is encouraged."
 And then Dennis Todt fired another salvo on arch-enemy: "Ferrari has damaged more than a smear campaign, the bucket reputation of McLaren." Todt's answer could inflame the war, Formula-1-further!