Sunday, June 13, 2010

Banker will now € 4.5 million

London -
She is young, she looks very good, she has a great job, is paid for first class. But why must it be like to leave everything?
Jordan Wimmer, 29, of London will decide for themselves: Do not know. It raises its 600,000-euro job back as a marketing manager of an investment bank.
And now suing the boss, who called her again and again "dumb blonde" on business and was pushing ...
Money, sex and bullying. Equivalent of € 4.5 million damages Wimmer wants from Mark Lowe, the head of an investment company, whose personal fortune to more than € 100 million is estimated. Their reasoning:
Lowe (59) had not only insulted constantly, but compelled to visit with business partners, the strip show in the "Crazy Horse" in Paris and then - as they struggled - even a killer set on them. She had then called the police.
Jordan Wimmer could, so she remembers to endure the work only with medicines taken for anxiety and depression. And when her boss nor a Russian prostitute brought to the office, the "SZ", they have given up in early 2009.
In the process, Lowe London has said little so far. Only that he lives in divorce, and just had several girlfriends. The fact that he had set a killer on his former assistant, but he vehemently denies. Lowe's lawyer describes in detail that Wimmer also the jet-set life of the hedge fund bankers quite enjoyed. Mitfeierte at parties in New York and Hong Kong. And, Lowe says, before the visit to "Crazy Horse" but it was "very excited been.
How much "fun" in her, however, an industry where the "sexualization" British gender associations complain, really made is unclear. When the Canadian-born really gets € 4.5 million, that would be probably a new record. So far, women were given in similar cases, more than 1.6 million.