Monday, June 7, 2010

Al Qaeda is committed!

The attempted attack on the Airbus-253 flight of Delta Airlines:
Now it is common - the terrorist network Al Qaeda is behind it! The regional branch of the organization - "Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula" - wanted to respond to the attack on the "unjust American aggression in the Arabian Peninsula", mentioned in the analysis of messages of terrorist organizations specializing in U.S. private institute Intel Center near Washington, on Monday from the message.
Along with the letter, the group published on the Internet a photo of the assassin, the 23-year-old Nigerian Umar Faruk Abdulmutallab.
In the letter dated 26 December is Abdulmutallab as "brother" and "martyrs praised," happened to the "brave all modern and sophisticated technologies in airports all over the world have. Abdulmutallab have to the myth of the effectiveness of U.S. and international intelligence agencies in question, the IntelCenter quoted from the message. The regional al-Qaeda group is accusing the U.S. forces to have fired from ships in the Gulf of Aden from Yemen to the rocket.
Video on the subject
The Arab country after the foiled terrorist attack on Christmas Day, more and more come into the international spotlight. Abdulmutallab who wanted to blow up the engine on approach to Detroit in the air, had links to Yemen.
The New York Times reported on Monday that the United States opened in Yemen has long been a new front in the anti-terror fight. In the United States had quietly begun a covert operation against the local Al Qaeda. Among other things, had been about a year, some of the best in the anti-terror fight CIA agents trained in the Arab country, and second, special commands beginning training of Yemeni security forces. In addition, the Pentagon has increased its military aid massive.
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