Friday, February 5, 2010

Woman shoots her husband before the divorce date on

Gelsenkirchen - Twenty minutes before the Scheidungsterminhat a woman in Gelsenkirchen on her still-husband shot undschwer injured.
Emerged as the 29-year-old with his new girlfriend in front of the courthouse, the woman pulled a pistol from drücktemehrfach and met the man on the shoulder.
Nochweg The victim ran and sought refuge in a snack. The woman gave up ihremMann and fled from the scene.
The girlfriend of the man erlitteinen shock. Whether it was the trigger for the shots or andereUmstände the divorce, the woman had moved into a rage, diePolizei not necessary first to know.
The man was seriously injured to the hospital and was guarded by derPolizei, while 100 forces were hunting in Gelsenkirchen after derEhefrau. You could go underground first.
The 29-Jährigewurde of at least one bullet hit. But there offenbarkeine life-threatening, said a police spokesman.
From the files of Scheidungsverfahrenshätten are no results indicating a hazardous situation, he said. The couple lived apart. The lawyers for the Ehepartnerhätten after the fact also explains that a derartigeEntwicklung was foreseeable. The court was closed for denMittwoch.