Thursday, February 18, 2010

Popstars singer weeps for her mother

Cologne - It is a terrible blow for "Block Party" candidate, Victoria (16): While at the workshop of the TV show in Egypt fought for their dreams, died at home Bergheim their beloved mother. Very surprisingly, the age of 44 to cardiac arrest.
"Suddenly D! at the workshop, "says the student of the" Bravo ". "When he told me that I immediately want to call my Dad, I already suspected the worst."
And, unfortunately, should confirm the terrible fears. Vicis beloved Mama Petra had died thousands of miles away. "It was a numbing pain that has crossed my body. I can not believe it still does not.
Of course, the pop-stars-contender immediately broke off the workshop, to fly home to her father and sister, Saskia (21). "My mom has done everything for me and she was always there for me. Like a best friend, "recalls Victoria. "Two days before her death, we still have the phone. She told me how proud she is to me. "
Now needs to learn the Bergheimerin, coping without their mother. "It will take a long time until I've processed it." ProSieben spokeswoman Tina Country: "If Victoria wants, she can always go back into the band house. You are open all doors. "
More drama on Thursday at 20.15 clock on ProSieben.
Also read: Popstars Just 4 Girls: Ill Will Leo succeeds> in the workshop Sido Cologne-say no to these girls? Paparazzo peddling sex movie of Britney Spears>