Sunday, February 28, 2010

The 99ers plan for the Derby

Cologne - The roles are distributed before the derby against Telekom Baskets Bonn from (Sunday, 18 clock, EnergyDome) Cologne 99ers go into the game as rank outsiders.
A fate encounter for 99ers coach Drasko Prodanovic during acute Bundesliga relegation? What is certain is also without a formal ultimatum to the club: The 99ers and their coach will help against this year's Cup finalists from Bonn only a Victory!
Another bankruptcy would catapult the 99ers in an even larger crisis. If it is still possible.
Even Michael Jordan and Edin Bavcic, Cologne's hope in a relegation battle, are aware of the difficult situation. Together, the point guard and the Center provides a motivational, written plan that is to give the 99ers team in the booth on Sunday the last kick, "Play with pride," is written in English, or "Defend our hall," "Stick together "" Fight for the fans "and" Never give in ".
Michael Jordan before the game for pioneering EXPRESS: "We know what is at stake, and make every attempt to shoot the club up from the cellar." These words must be followed on Sunday deeds.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Intimate photos of Carla Bruni stole

bag for thick yoga mat

Paris - the next scandal to threaten France's First Lady Carla Bruni? According to media reports, burglars stole from her intimate pictures. They should show her with her ex-boyfriend Raphaël Enthoven? Photos are also sex-underneath?
The thieves stole the images from the apartment of Enthoven brother. What did they find the pictures there is as yet unclear.
However, it is unclear whether the perpetrator had it in for dasBildmaterial or only on your laptop and digital camera, a police spokesman said on Tuesday in Paris. Several dozen photos of Carla, and the gemeinsamenSohn Aurélien Raphael had been taken away here.
The police suspected that Carla Bruni's photos now reach as quickly as possible to the market - and could greatly harm their image.
Whether the photos show the star naked or in precarious situations, is not known. It would be unthinkable: 1993 Star photographer Michel Comte took a Nacktporträt of the present wife of French President Nicolas Sarkozy. The image was later auctioned off by Christie's auction house. >
More on Carla Bruni Carla Bruni at the "Endenicher Autumn"? > Carla Bruni - a song for their 30 Lover> Nude Bruni under the hammer for $ 91,000>

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Popstars singer weeps for her mother

Cologne - It is a terrible blow for "Block Party" candidate, Victoria (16): While at the workshop of the TV show in Egypt fought for their dreams, died at home Bergheim their beloved mother. Very surprisingly, the age of 44 to cardiac arrest.
"Suddenly D! at the workshop, "says the student of the" Bravo ". "When he told me that I immediately want to call my Dad, I already suspected the worst."
And, unfortunately, should confirm the terrible fears. Vicis beloved Mama Petra had died thousands of miles away. "It was a numbing pain that has crossed my body. I can not believe it still does not.
Of course, the pop-stars-contender immediately broke off the workshop, to fly home to her father and sister, Saskia (21). "My mom has done everything for me and she was always there for me. Like a best friend, "recalls Victoria. "Two days before her death, we still have the phone. She told me how proud she is to me. "
Now needs to learn the Bergheimerin, coping without their mother. "It will take a long time until I've processed it." ProSieben spokeswoman Tina Country: "If Victoria wants, she can always go back into the band house. You are open all doors. "
More drama on Thursday at 20.15 clock on ProSieben.
Also read: Popstars Just 4 Girls: Ill Will Leo succeeds> in the workshop Sido Cologne-say no to these girls? Paparazzo peddling sex movie of Britney Spears>

Thursday, February 11, 2010

From Chancentod the match-winner

Moenchengladbach - He is the fastest Borusse, has been a huge run and take in each test: Moses Lamidi (20), the Tor-Joker.
Coach Jos Luhukay: "He comes in, closes off a counterattack to a 2-1 victory against West Bromwich Albion." His fourth preparatory matches after the 4-0 in Wegberg, the 1:0-lead against Bielefeld (2:1) and 5:0 to 7:0 in the bathroom Lippspringe. At the conclusion of the training camp Luhukay Lamidi had been read the riot act - because of lack of concentration at four options awarded.
Tor Moses took the criticism advanced by the Chancentod the match-winner. "I want to show everyone that I want," says Lamidi. He could only last one season in the U 23 - with one exception. Borussia bosses have pondered over a loan deal. Luhukay: "Among the professionals was the competition with Rob Friend, Oliver Neuville and Roberto Colautti too big. But Moses is a huge talent. We hope that he will become, and perhaps be an alternative. "
Monday Neuville comes back from holiday. Friend celebrates his season debut Wednesday against Heerenveen. Then Lamidi slips back into the striker-hierarchy behind Colautti and Matmour fifth. His hope: "in the Bundesliga, Borussia need a little more defensive play, quickly switch - and perhaps more frequently in the final stretch takes a fast man,"

Friday, February 5, 2010

Woman shoots her husband before the divorce date on

Gelsenkirchen - Twenty minutes before the Scheidungsterminhat a woman in Gelsenkirchen on her still-husband shot undschwer injured.
Emerged as the 29-year-old with his new girlfriend in front of the courthouse, the woman pulled a pistol from drücktemehrfach and met the man on the shoulder.
Nochweg The victim ran and sought refuge in a snack. The woman gave up ihremMann and fled from the scene.
The girlfriend of the man erlitteinen shock. Whether it was the trigger for the shots or andereUmstände the divorce, the woman had moved into a rage, diePolizei not necessary first to know.
The man was seriously injured to the hospital and was guarded by derPolizei, while 100 forces were hunting in Gelsenkirchen after derEhefrau. You could go underground first.
The 29-Jährigewurde of at least one bullet hit. But there offenbarkeine life-threatening, said a police spokesman.
From the files of Scheidungsverfahrenshätten are no results indicating a hazardous situation, he said. The couple lived apart. The lawyers for the Ehepartnerhätten after the fact also explains that a derartigeEntwicklung was foreseeable. The court was closed for denMittwoch.