Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What kölsche celebrities do for Christmas?

Cologne -
"This is a real girls night," says Marie Luise Nikuta - they celebrate Christmas with her sister Elinor, her daughter Andrea and granddaughter, Noelle.
"We make ourselves very comfortable, but of course it is not easy, it's the second Christmas without my husband, Willi." He died in May 2008. "I go every week to his grave in the northern cemetery. And I get so often given to flowers, which I then put on his grave and then say 'Now you can sway down there'. "
Also head of the Philharmonie Louwrens Langevoort has his family from Holland with him in Cologne. "In the afternoon I can send them in to the concert of the Philharmonic, a choir that I cook in the time alone."
This is real friendship between men. For about ten years celebrating Mickey Paveier Brühl and Detlev Vorholt together for Christmas Eve with their partners. But who believes that there is only sausage and potato salad mistaken. "We take turns cooking," Mickey told us Brühl, who is responsible this time for the main course.
Marita Koellner, it moves to warmer climes: "We are this year in Mallorca. My husband Peter is after a foot surgery on crutches, because Thailand was not a holiday there. And Mallorca, we have beautiful Kölsch family connection. "Only in clothes is they are not so sure. "Shall I take the thick jacket? During the day it is nice, but at night it is cooler anyway. "For all cases, the two two blankets in the luggage ...